Sustainability strategy
We are developing modern industry with respect for natural resources, the heritage of our ancestors, the environment and the society we live in. Our investments are directed towards the modernization and greening of production capacities and technologies.
Take a look at our projects:
Greening news

Greening the roof of the Tawesco press hall will save half the energy costs and significantly reduce CO₂ emissions
A roof reconstruction and lighting replacement has been completed on the Kopřivnice production hall, which was built in the 1970s. The cost of the work exceeded CZK 157 million. The project was created thanks to the support of the European Regional Development Fund in the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness.

Implementing energy savings at Tawesco
In 2015, we embarked on a three-year refurbishment of our 1980s halls, which were in a poor state of repair. They were experiencing significant energy losses. Thanks to the project, which was co-funded by the EU, energy costs were reduced by 35% and emissions were reduced, with an overall positive impact on the environment in Kopřivnice.

Tawesco has invested in a 40 tonne capacity crane
Tawesco has purchased a new crane with a main lifting capacity of up to 40 tonnes to accompany its new Schuler transfer press!

Energy savings on the Stecomtry site
Thanks to the support of the European Regional Development Fund in the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness, we have completely insulated our plant.